high level language - definizione. Che cos'è high level language
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Cosa (chi) è high level language - definizione

VHLPL; Very High Level Programming Language; Goal-oriented programming language; VHLL; Very high-level language; Very high level programming language

High-Level Shader Language         
  • reflection]] of the water in the foreground are added by a shader applied finally to the entire scene.
Cg Programming Language; High-Level Shading Language; HLSL; Shader Model 3; Shader model 3; Shader model 3.0; Shader Model 3.0; Shader Model 2.0; Shader model 2.0; Shader model 2; Shader Model 2; Shader Model; Shader model; Cg programming language; Shader Model 2.x; Shader model 4.0; C for graphics; Shader Model 4; Shader Model 4.0; Hlsl; High Level Shader Language; High-level shader language; High Level Shading Language; DirectX Intermediate Language; DirectX Bytecode
The High-Level Shader Language or High-Level Shading Language (HLSL) is a proprietary shading language developed by Microsoft for the Direct3D 9 API to augment the shader assembly language, and went on to become the required shading language for the unified shader model of Direct3D 10 and higher.
Very high-level programming language         
A very high-level programming language (VHLL) is a programming language with a very high level of abstraction, used primarily as a professional programmer productivity tool.
High-level verification         
User:Veralift/HLV; High level verification
High-level verification (HLV), or electronic system-level (ESL) verification, is the task to verify ESL designs at high abstraction level, i.e.


Very high-level programming language

A very high-level programming language (VHLL) is a programming language with a very high level of abstraction, used primarily as a professional programmer productivity tool.

VHLLs are usually domain-specific languages, limited to a very specific application, purpose, or type of task, and they are often scripting languages (especially extension languages), controlling a specific environment. For this reason, very high-level programming languages are often referred to as goal-oriented programming languages.

The term VHLL was used in the 1990s for what are today more often called high-level programming languages (not "very") used for scripting, such as Perl, Python, php, Ruby, and Visual Basic.

Esempi di pronuncia per high level language
1. towards high level languages.
A History of The ARM Microprocessor _ Dave Jaggar _ Talks at Google
2. these high-level languages that can be compiled.
3. and in a high-level language, you'll describe that cell phone.
4. The important thing is we can write it in a high-level language.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per high level language
1. One suspects that all this high–level language is probably a long way from the pre–occupations of ordinary Iraqis.